Welcome to Philosophia Fashionista, my baby fashion blog. As this is a project that I have undertaken to relieve stress from my academic work, I have no idea how long this blog will last or how it will grow. It could be that I will face the evils of Milton's
A History of Britain, and this baby blog will shrivel up and it will be remembered by no more than a dead baby joke. Or...by some miracle I will keep writing this blog in spite of thesis progress reports and James Joyce seminar papers. We shall see.
I chose the title "Philosophia Fashionista" primarily because it sounds snazzy, but also because I like to learn and I'm not a total airhead. In fact, I love the movie
Legally Blonde because it shows you can be stylish and smart. I also have a "philosophy" of fashion, namely, that the way you dress should convey that you are more than a body. I don't believe in a set dress code ("kneecaps are scandalous," or "women should never wear pants because they're the devil," etc..), but I do believe that one should dress appropriately to the occasion (i.e. don't wear a prom dress to build a house) and be reasonably covered up--private parts should be private. Beyond dressing decently, I think that one can bring what is on the inside outside by dressing according to their personality, whether that's preppy, vintage, skater, insert high school stereotype here, or something entirely unique. The way you dress should show and honor who you are.
I will shut up now. Clothes coming soon.