I must begin this post with an apology. I didn't get around to taking pictures of my outfit yesterday, so I'll have to wait to post it later when I do laundry (which will be soon, since I'm running out of basic stuff) , but I promise I will.
I decided after the first outfit post in my blog that it's trashy to say how much stuff costs, but I have to brag on the dress. I scored it for two dollars (!). The tag said "4" so I worried it wouldn't fit, but I tried it and it fit really well. It's from the '80s, but this sort of thing is coming in style again, like many things from the '80s. As long as massive shoulder pads and mom jeans don't come back, I'm cool with that, but judging from the online browsing I do, I am not optimistic. I
love this dress, though.

I was nervous to wear this outfit to church today, because it's pretty dressed up, even for church in the South. When I was a kid, I had all these gowns from thrift shops (and I still do) and I wore them
everywhere--church, the grocery store, you name it. I used to enjoy putting on cool stuff for church; pubescent self consciousness and a desire for conformity had not yet hit. Needless to say, dress-up was my favorite game as a child. I still play dress-up but it's in a more grown-up way (I hope). But back to the point. I don't think I attracted any undue attention, so that was a relief. I hate it when I put together a cute outfit and wear it out to the library and class and people ask why I am dressed up. Though I'm not a Nike shorts and t-shirt kind of girl, I don't consider myself excessively dressed up most of the time. I consider school a job and when I'm dressed well, it helps me focus.

A few months back, my grandmother gave me a bunch of her jewelry. I used to play with it when I was little, and this pin/necklace was my favorite piece back then and it still is. I have been looking for an outfit with which to wear this pin and today, I finally found it. :)
Below is a detail of the top of my outfit. Yes, I wore the shrug a few days back, but I don't have enough cover-ups to wear a different one every time I need one. Donations accepted.

I love these shoes because I think they are girly and nerdy. Plus, I can wear them pretty much all year, as long as I combine them with the right clothes. These were also a steal. I can't wait to wear them with wool tights and a long, thick skirt. I generally prefer fall/winter fashions to spring/summer fashions, though both have their merits. I will probably write a post on the differences I see, and how they reflect the seasons in ways other than temperature, but that will be when I'm done with school for a few weeks.
Where it Came from
Royal Blue Dress: A.J. Bari, via consignment
Purple, Indigo and Gold Flower Necklace and Pin: Gift from Grandmother
Cream Bolero Jacket: Doll House, via TJMaxx
Gold Multi-Colored Scarf: Mix Nouveau, gift
Eggplant Nerd Flats: Clark's